5Th Business traceable leather Products for Farms

Your hard work…

shouldn’t go in the trash.


Visiting a friend at a partner farm.

Traceable hides after being split.

Pergamena’s family tannery, an innovative cost sharing model, and 5th’s Traceable platform allow us to lower costs and solve many problems that intentional farms and makers have run into when working to produce traceable goods since the industrial revolution began.
— Liv Virta-Meyer

How Does It All Work?

A farmer sends in FIVE (5) cows. Pergamena returns their own hides crafted into leather and leather goods for the farm to sell.

Here’s the nitty gritty: Each farm is responsible for collecting, salting and delivering the hides to Pergamena. Pergamena marks each hide with the farm code and divides each cow into two (2) sides, yielding a grand total of 10 cow sides per farm. (When you think “Side”, think “Half-O-Hide.”) From here on, the process deals with cow sides, with each cow side being around 17-20 square feet in area. After the tasks of tanning, dying and finishing, the leather is done; your farm's material is sent along four paths.

Farm Traceable Products. Some of your sides are sent to be made into shelf stable products for you to sell. Pergamena offers 8 products options. The potential ROI for each product is listed. Additional products are created from material like leather splits and offcuts that typically are wasted in mass production. This also adds to your ROI. We expect to deliver at least a 20% ROI though we cannot guarantee it, of course.

“20sq ft challenge.” Each farm will get one side of leather returned to them for them to sell as leather or to use for our 20 square foot challenge. We partner with amazing artists (and we’re always looking for more) who have the creative vision to guide you in the creation of a unique product made especially for you. Farmers can pick an artist or project from our maker’s database. This connects small farmers and small makers to create unique items, sentimental projects or even explore new product lines to collaborate on. Additional cost is involved and paid directly to the artist.

Our Farm Traceable Product Maker. Some sides of traceable leather are given to our local product maker. This helps to offset the cost of having goods created by a trusted source.

Intentional Makers. Pergamena then offers some of your sides (with a certificate of authenticity along with the bio of your farm) to makers, which allows makers to collaborate with farmers to tell the true story from beginning to bag. These additional sales significantly lower the cost that you pay to have material tanned and products made. A portion of these sales are sent back to the farmer. This means we are incentivized to sell your hides, and you are rewarded when your hides sell.

The Journey Starts Here

At Pergamena we are here to help turn your farm’s hides into leather goods that not only add to your bottom line but tell your farm’s story. Veg tanning and crafting high quality goods is not cheap but using a cost sharing method, we can help break the barriers for small batch production.

5th Business Five Cows: (offered in multiples of 5 up to 40) 

  • Four (4) cow sides worth of the products of your choice.

  • One (1) side worth of leather to use for the “20 sq ft Challenge" or to keep.

  • Certificate of authenticity, a QR code for customers to trace all products back to your farm, a farm listing on our website and access to all marketing materials on our website.

Total buy in: $3,000 

Add More Merch: (offered in multiples of 5 up to 40) 

  • Six (6) cow sides worth of the products of your choice.

  • Certificate of authenticity, a QR code for customers to trace all products back to your farm, a farm listing on our website and access to all marketing materials on our website.

Total buy in: $3,500 

Leather Only: (offered in multiples of 5 up to 40) 

  • Ten (10) Cow sides of leather.

  • Authenticated  Farm ID code

Total buy in: $2,500 

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to reach out by clicking the “Custom Materials Consultation” button at the bottom of the page. —The Team at Pergamena